Windy got another tale to tell! Say hello to "GOTCHI", once a promising metaverse concept. But sometimes, to reach the stars, a little metamorphosis is in order.

So, with a dash of our creativity, GOTCHI was reborn, blossoming into an NFT marketplace with a unique collection and idea.

Our master plan? We championed the art of crowd-shilling. An ingenious simulation of organic dialogue, it's spam's charming cousin, effortlessly blending in while doing its magic. Imagine a lively chat, influencers sprinkled in, buzzing with chatter about GOTCHI. That was the buzz we aimed to create.

We didn’t just stop at crowd-shilling! A total brand makeover was due - website redesign, community nurturing on Telegram, you name it. We scouted and befriended owners of relevant Telegram groups, initiating a more natural conversation about the new, hot topics in the metaverse. A third-party account would then introduce GOTCHI subtly in the chat, sparking interest and inciting discussions.

Oh, and did I mention it? GOTCHI dedicates part of its collection profits to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Our hearts melted for this cause, and we jumped in to support, waving off any compensation for our work. The result? We nurtured a thriving Telegram community of 5000 members from scratch in just one week. So, if you've got a humanitarian project that needs a little WNF magic, give us a shout. We're ready to bring it to life, free of charge!